After a five year absence, Mike T is back, ya'll. Yes, your favorite TV/movie quoting junkie, St. Louis homer, Republican advocate and want-to-be lawyer is up to his blogging ways again. Who missed me? Who didn't miss me? Who cared? Actually, don't answer the last two questions.
A lot has happened since my last blog in 2006. The Cardinals won a World Series. Boston Legal and Lost are no longer on the air. I'm actually working in the legal field. I'm back in the 314 MO and The Harry Potter Saga was completed on the Big Screen. Add to that, my stint at KMOX Radio, my work with the St. Louis Cardinals and my turning 30, there is a lot to blog about. Where to start is hard.
For now, I'll just preview what I'll be talking about in my upcoming blogs. You'll read my complaints about the business side of the law. There will be comparisons of real depositions and trials to those scenes on TV and movies. You'll read my thoughts on movies and current issues/trends in sports. If you follow me on Twitter and Facebook, you'll know what you are in for. You've been warned; proceed at your own risk...
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